速報APP / 音樂與音效 / Electronic org

Electronic org





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



Electronic org(圖1)-速報App

Portable ORG : Oriental Keyboard allows you to play piano, guitar, electric guitar, qanun, qanun trm, oud, tanbur, violin, ney, mey, cumbus, saz (baglama), clarinet, sax (saxophone), orchestra violin group, cura, balaban, rabab and santur. Enjoy realistic high-quality instruments on your tablet and phone with Portable ORG : Oriental Keyboard. You can play styles (rhythms) while playing instruments. Keys are touch sensitive so if you press softer, you get a lower voice. You can record your own music with Portable ORG. Portable ORG allows you accompany a song in your device library. You can record and mix instruments, rhythms, playback music and microphone sound.

Electronic org(圖2)-速報App

You can set reverb and equalizer for instruments using the menu. Portable ORG has 3-band Equalizer for bass, mid and hi. You can adjust reverb, room size, damping and width values.

Electronic org(圖3)-速報App

Portable ORG : Oriental Keyboard has comma feature for oriental quarter notes. You can adjust the quarter notes using the Scale/Maqam menu. You can tune the comma notes between 1/9 and 9/9 of a full note. You can play all music maqams in Arabic and Turkish music. You can load and save scales. There are 29 predefined scales. You can set pitchbend using pitchbend wheel.

Electronic org(圖4)-速報App

High quality new music instruments and rhythms, 2/4, 4/4, 5/8, 6/8, 7/8, 9/8 (Roman), Slow Pop, Pop, Drum, Wahde, Mehter and Bendir styles (rhythms) are included. You can adjust the tempo of these styles between 50% and 200%. Enjoy the portable mobile ORG on your Android phone and tablet. Applause, whistle, zilgit and chimes sounds are also included. Enjoy the portable mobile ORG on your Android phone and tablet.

Electronic org(圖5)-速報App

Electronic org(圖6)-速報App